17 Şubat 2012 Cuma


Put the verbs in brackets into either "The Past Simple" or "The Past Perfect Simple".
Example: Nobody believed me when I (say) .................that I (see) ...................................a UFO.
Nobody believed me when I said that I had seen a UFO.
1) It (be)...........very cold when he (get to)………….Moscow because winter (already, arrive).........................
2) My car (not, start)..................... this morning because I (leave)............................the lights on.
3) If he (work)..................................steadily he would have passed the exam.
4) After the detectives (check).................. the windows for fingerprints, they (search)................... the house.
5) He (not, realize) ...................... his mistake until after he (post)................................................. the letter.
6) The captain of the ship (he) ...............among the sailors who (abandon) .............the ship just before it
(go)............to the bottom of the sea.
7) 1 (take) .................................................... the decision after I (speak) ................................................ to John.
8) They (he) …………..... on the road for a mere five minutes when they (have) ..................... ...a puncture.
9) The car (scarcely, stop) .................. when a policeman (appear) .............................................
10)He (give)..... ..............me a painting which his grandfather (leave)... ...............................him.
11)After the accident it was quite some time before they (know).... ............................................what (happen)
12)After Jack and Mary (go out)................................................ with each other for six years, they (break up)
13)It was only after Jackie (see) .........................................the film she (decide) ......... .............. to read the book.
14)When she heard she (accept) ............... by Oxford University, she (jump) ...................up and down with joy.
15)He (work)............. as a mechanic for four years before they (let) .....................him drive one of the racing cars.
16)He (say)................................................. that he (not, see) .................................................... his mother for years.
17)After he (eat) ................ so much at Christmas dinner, he (suffer)................ from indigestion.
18)It was the first time that I (ever, see) ................................................... such a big man.
19)I would rather you (not, speak)..................................................... so rudely to your teacher last night.
20)They (still, be)...................friends even though they (be) ...................... ......................... apart for ten years.
21)David (eat) .......................Japanese food before, so he (know).................................................. what to order.
22)As the taxi was moving off, I (realize)................... that I (forget) ................................................ to take my wallet.
23)He (no sooner, turn)......................... the corner of the street than he (attack) ........................by a gang of ruffians.
24)Peter (be).... .......................................... the handsomest man she (ever, see)............................................
25)Before we (get) ........................................ our cat, we (never, have)......... ................................. a pet in our family.
26)I (hope)........... ........................ lo talk lo him but he (be)............................................... too busy lo listen.
27)The film (not, yet, finish).... . .... .. ........... when we (leave).... ...... .... the cinema last night.
28)Before he (decide). ..... .... to start his own business, he (learn).. .. .... .. ... . all the details about the job.
29) I wish I (learn)......... .... ........ .... ..... Arabic when 1 (be) ... .. ... .. ... . in Libya.
30)It (be) .. .... ... ... .. .... .. ten o'clock, but the children (not, get up) .... .. .. ... ..... .... yet.
31)By the time Peter (arrive) ...................................... at the hotel, his wife (already, die)..... ... ... .... .... .....
32)If I know................................. that you (be)..... ... .............. tired, I wouldn't have given you that task.
33)As soon as I (get)...... ..... ........................ home, I saw that someone (break into).... . ......... ...... my flat.
34)While I was going home, I (see).......... ........... an accident. A bus (run into) ....... .... a car.
35)By the lime 1 (get)..................................................... home, they (eat) ..... ... .. ... .. . all the cake.
36)The man (already, tell)...... ....... .... .... ..... the truth before the police (arrive). .... ........... .. ...
37)If you (not, warn) .... ... .. .... ...... .... me, 1 would have fallen into the water.

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