4 Ocak 2012 Çarşamba


Combine the sentences using the words in brackets:

1.      Jane gave up smoking because she wanted to save money. (in order to)
………Jane gave up smoking in order to save money. …………..
2.      I came here so that I could see you. (in order to)
3.      We put a fence. We want to prevent the rabbit escape.
4.      She went shopping so she could buy herself a television. (to)
5.      I put the food in the fridge because I wanted it to get cold. (in order to)
6.      Jane saved money. She wanted to buy a present for Harry. (in order to)
7.      Harry left early because he didn’t want to miss the bus. (in order not to)
8.      They will let the students use calculators in the exam. They don’t want them to spend a lot of time. (so that)
9.      The teacher tested the students. She wanted to see if they remembered the things they had learnt. (in order to)
10.  He tried to hide the broken vase. He didn’t want to be punished. (so that)
11.  I turned up the radio. I wanted to listen to the news. (so that)
12.  Sue lowered the volume on the TV set. She didn’t want to disturb her roommate. (so that)

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