23 Mart 2012 Cuma


Choose the correct answer In parentheses
1.                The news that I had passed the exam made me feel (happy/happily).
2.          2.      She looked at me (happy/happily) when I gave her the news that she had passed
the exam.
3.           3.     Seeing that the students hadn't done their homework, the teacher got
4.                4. Because the weather conditions are favourable, the fanners expect their crops to
grow (quick/quickly).
5.              5.   It's (real/really) (hard/hardly) to keep pace with our (rapid/rapidly)
(changing/changed) world.
6.                I didn't like the party, because it was (bad/badly) (organized/organizing).
7.           7.     She isn't able to control herself. She is (near/nearly) always (extreme/extremely)
8.                She speaks English (fluent/fluently), and her pronunciation is very (good/well).
9.                He was feeling (unwell/badly) yesterday, but he is (good/well) now.
10.         He speaks (good/well) English. He can express his ideas (good/well).
11.         It was a (hard/hardly) job, but by working (hard/hardly), we managed to finish it
just in time.
12.         She is never (punctual/punctually). She always comes to work (late/lately).
13.         The train never arrives at its destination (punctual/punctually)It always arrives
14.         The soup tasted (awful/awfully). I could (hard/hardly) eat it.
15.         Have you seen any (good/well) films (late/lately)? I'm very (eager/eagerly) to see one.
16.         When I asked for help, she volunteered (eager/eagerly).
17.         When I noticed a (suspicious/suspiciously) man on the corner, I informed the police
(imm ediate / immedia tely).
18.         This case is very important. It needs your (immediate/immediately) attention.
19.         We were (hot/hotly) after our (vigorous/vigorously) game of football.
20.   Because she wanted to lose weight (quick/quickly), she would jog long distances
21.   The child was (violent/violently) at first, but he gave up behaving (violent/violently)
after some time.
22.          She ate her lunch (incredible/incredibly) (quick/quickly). I couldn't believe my eyes.
23.     When I listened to her story, I found it rather (incredible/incredibly).
24.     It was an (incredible/incredibly) (slow/slow)train. I arrived at my destination
25.     Istanbul has become (considerable/considerably) (polluting/polluted) in
(recent/recently) years.
26.     (considerable/considerably) amount of money is spent on arms by all nations.
27.     The price they asked for the car was (reasonable/reasonably), so we bought it
without much thought.
28.     The hotel was (reasonable/reasonably) (cheap/cheaply), so we stayed two days
29.     They have bought a (new/newly) house (recent/recently), and now they are trying to
live (cheap/cheaply) to meet the installments.
30.     The (new/newly) (buying/bought) machines enable us to work fast.
31.     She was driving at a very (high/highly) speed, so the accident was
32.     Dolphins are considered to be (high/highly) (intelligent/intelligently) mammals.
33.     It wasn't my intention to hurt you. It wasn't a (deliberate/deliberately) action. It happened (accidental/accidentally).
34.     She didn't get ready (quick/quickly) enough to be (present/presently) at the meeting on time.
35.     To maintain (good/well) health, your diet should be (good/well) (balanced/balancing).

7 yorum:

  1. 5. rapidly changing
    6.badly organized (well-dressed)

  2. 5. rapidly changing
    6.badly organized (well-dressed)

  3. 10.well,good 11.hard,hardly 12.punctual,late 13.punctually,late 14.awful,hardly 15.good,lately,eager

  4. ama his ideas ı nitelemyor mu orda ? hardly working ??

  5. 1 happy
    2 happily
    3 angry
    4 quickly
    5 really hard rapidly changing
    6 badly orginzed
    7 nearly extremely excited
    8 fluently good
    9 unwell good
    10 well well
    11 hard hard
    12 punctual late
    13 punctually late
    14 awful hardly
    15 good lately eager
    16 eagerly
    17 suspicious immediately
    18 immediate
    19 hot vigorous
    20 quickly vigorously
    21 violent violently
    22 incredibly quick
    23 incredibly
    24 incredibly slow late
    25 considerably polluted recently
    26 considerable
    27 reasonable
    28 reasonably cheap
    29 new recently cheapply
    30 newly buying
    31 highly inevitable
    32 highly intelligent
    33 deliberately accidentally
    34 quickly present
    35 good well balancing

    1. 9 unwell good burada sağlığı iyi yerinde well kullanmalıyız…
      10 well well he speaks good English. (sıfat, englishi niteliyor)
      22 incredibly quickly (zarf zarfı da niteleyebilir))
      23 incredibly (I find it incredible,I find her beautiful sıfat kullanmalıyız)
      25 considerably polluted recently (in recent years))
      30 newly buying (well organized-well dressed-newly bought)
      31 highly inevitable (high speed)
      33 deliberately accidentally ( a deliberate action)
      35 good well balancing (well dressed- well balanced)
