19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi


Complete the following sentences with an "Adjective" or "Adverb of Manner".
Example : My sister speaks .............................. English, (perfect/ perfectly)
My sister speaks perfect English. My sister speaks English perfectly.
1. a. My brother plays the piano very ....................................... (good / well)
b. Catherine is very...................................... at tennis.
2. a. Her parents welcomed the visitors ....................................... (warm / warmly)
b. I always wear ...................................... clothes in winter.
3. a. We heard some ...................................... noises upstairs, (loud / loudly)
b. The children were shouting.......................................
4. a. Unemployment is a ...................................... problem in Turkey, (serious / seriously)
b. She was ...................................... injured in the accident.
5. a. He saw a very ...................................... girl in the morning, (beautiful / beautifully)
b. Maria was singing the Spanish songs very .......................................
6. a. The little girl looks rather ....................................... (sad / sadly)
b. The woman looked at the poor boy .......................................
7. a. The dollar has fallen ..................................... recently, (drastic / drastically)
b. We must take ...................................... measures to bring inflation down.
8. a. She was a very ...................................... student, (careful / carefully)
b. She wrote the letter very .......................................
9. a. The children waited ...................................... for the dentist, (quiet / quietly)
b. I don't know why she is so ...................................... today.
10. a. The children are playing very ...................................... at the moment, (bad / badly)
b. There was a ...................................... accident, and many people were killed.
11. a. The moon moves ...................................... round the Earth, (slow / slowly)
b. What do you know about...................................... erosion of rocks by the wind?
12. a. We had some ...................................... rain last week, (heavy / heavily)
b. It rained ...................................... last night.
13. a. He was a very ...................................... friend of mine, (close / closely)
b. The police car was following the woman very.......................................
14. a. English is ..................................... spoken all over the world, (wide / widely)
b. We are walking along the ...................................... road.
15. a. You should be ...................................... with your children, (patient / patiently)
b. The teacher always treats the students .......................................
16. a. My brother was very ...................................... about his clothes, (careless / carelessly)
b. He ...................................... threw the china cups into a box.


Rewrite the following sentences using "IF" to make "First Conditionals".
Example: Perhaps I will have a lot of money. Then I will buy a car.
If I have a lot of money, I will buy a cur.
1) Perhaps her husband will not like her new dress. Then she will return it to the store.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
2) You may not find the address. Then don't forget to call me.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
3) Perhaps I will see George. Then I will tell her to phone you.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
4) Paint the house. It may look better.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
5) Perhaps they will offer me the job. Then I will accept it.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
6) Tom may phone this evening. Then I will Lake the message.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
7) The flat may be too expensive. Then 1 will not rent it.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
8) I may not have enough money. I cannot have a vacation.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
9) Melanie may save money. She stops spending money on her clothes.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
10) It may rain, so my father doesn't let me play in the garden.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
11) The weather may be too cold tomorrow. Then I will stay al home.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
12) Don't touch that dog! It may bite you.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
13) You are eating too much! You are going to put on weight!
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
14) It is going to rain! You will get wet! Take your umbrella.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
15) Turn the oven off. You might burn the food.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
16) Hurry up! We are going to miss the train.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………
17) We may lose all our money in gambling. We will not be able to buy that house.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………


Rewrite the following sentences using "IF" to make "Second Conditionals".
Example: It is a pity that I don't have a spare ticket, so I cannot take you to the concert.
If I had a spare ticket, I would / could take you to the concert.
1) I don't work hard because my father always shouts at me.
2) I cannot get a job easily in a bank because I don't know how to use a computer.
3) I don't earn much money because I don't work as hard as you do.
4) She doesn't do her homework, so she doesn't get good marks.
5) What a pity that I have to work tomorrow, so f cannot go shopping with you.
6) It is a pity that I am not as handsome as you are, so 1 cannot marry Angela.
7) I am not happy because I am not married to Gilda.
8) I have to take a bus because the school is a long way from home.
9) What a pity that I am not as tall as you are, so I cannot reach (lo) the lop shelf.
10) I cannot go swimming because I don't have a swimming costume with me now.
11) I am sorry that I don't have much money, so I cannot help you.
12) I gel bored because the lessons are too boring.
13) I am sorry that today is not a holiday, so I cannot stay in bed all day long.
14) What a pity that I am not a boy, so I cannot go out at nights.
15) There are a lot of fatal accidents because people drive very carelessly in Turkey.
16) We have a baby sitter, so we can go out very often.
17) I don't understand the financial pages of the newspaper, so I don't read them.


Rewrite the following sentences using "IF" to make "Third Conditionals".
Example: It rained last week, so we didn't go for a picnic.
If it had not rained last week, we would have gone for a picnic,
I didn't go to Italy last year, so I didn't visit your sister.
If I had gone to Italy last year, I would have visited your sister.
1) I punished you because you didn't tell me the truth.
2) He didn't go to a university because he didn't pass the exam.
3) The ship ran aground because they didn't drop anchor in time.
4) She failed in her exam because she didn't study hard.
5) My brother didn’t become a Member of Parliament because he didn't win the election.
6) My friend didn't do his job properly, so he was sacked.
7) The horse I backed didn’t win the race, so 1 lost all my money
8) The aeroplane didn't crash because the pilot was very experienced.
9) Her brother didn't see the programme, so he didn't change his eating habits.
10) The weather was very cold, so we didn't go for a swim.
11) I didn't know that you were hungry, so I didn’t invite you to dinner.
12) I didn't put any petrol in the car before I left, so it stopped.
13) Claudia didn't take her umbrella yesterday, so she got wet.
14) I was not delighted because the teacher didn’t come to my party.
15) I didn’t have any time, so I didn’t play tennis.
16) My father was not able to learn German because he didn't go to Germany.


Combine the following pairs of sentences using "IN CASE" to express a "precaution".

Example: I will give Jane my address. Perhaps she will write to me.
I will give Jane my address in case she writes to me.
I gave Jane my address. Perhaps she would write to me.
I gave Jane my address in case she wrote to me.

1) I will give you a key Perhaps you will come home early
2) I will not go out this evening. My girl friend will probably phone me.
3) You had better hurry. It is probable that you will miss the train.
4) I will make the man lie down. Maybe he will faint and fall.
5) You should lake a map with you. Perhaps you will get lost in lire city.
6) I will write this number down. I will probably forget it.
7) You have to leave for work early. Perhaps you will gel stuck in a traffic jam.
8) I will take a sweater with me. Perhaps the weather will get cold.
9) 1 will play the record softly. Perhaps our neighbour will complain.
10)I want to leave now. Perhaps the bus will come early
11)I will send these photographs to you. Perhaps you will be interested.
12)I will take a gun with me. Perhaps the bandits will attack me.
13)You had better chain up the dog. Most probably it will bite.
14)You had better take an umbrella. It is probable that you will get wet.
15)I bought the car at once. Perhaps the owner would change his mind.
16)We will walk home. We are likely to miss the last bus.


Complete the following sentences with "The Auxiliary Verbs" on the list below.

AM    ARE    IS    WAS     WERE
DO     DOES      DID      WILL     SHALL

1) I..... .... ..been studying English for six years.
2) Diana....................................... not go to the cinema yesterday.
3) .........................................you ever been to China?
4) Somebody.. .. .. .............................. tapping at the window now.
5) By this time next week, my father will...... ..... ..... ..................... arrived in Madrid.
6) Women ........... .... ... ................... wearing mini skirls this year.
7) He ............ .............................. just recovered from his illness.
8) We .................................................. probably go to Germany next month.
9) I wish I............................. ..... ........... learned French when I was in Paris.
10) I......................... ................... going to see him at three o'clock tomorrow.
11) He .... ....................................... visited Paris many times since he became a doctor.
12) How long ..... ... .............................. your parents been married?
13) Olga ......................................... singing a Russian song while they were playing cards.
14) What ... ... .................................... you doing while she was setting the table?
15) It................................................... raining cats and dogs at the moment.
16) If I had a lot of money, I................................................. buy a new car.
17) The sun ............. .... ....................... not go round the earth.
18) I.............. ........................... be waiting for you when you go out.
19) He ...................................... ... been studying law for many years when he got married.
20) If I .................. .......................... studied hard, I................................... ... ... have passed my class.
21) He. .............................................. been very successful so far.
22) I wish my father .... ........................................... been here yesterday.
23) I would rather you ........................................... . not smoke here,
24) I................................................. no sooner left the room than the telephone rang.
25) ................................................. you think that we can have roast beef for dinner?
26) How much chocolate ............................................. you eaten this morning?
27) Which of the two girls ............ ..... ......................... he take to the dance last night?
28) We ……………………………..have no news of them for several years.
29) The children ............................................... waiting for a bus when the accident happened.
30) You .............................................. lake your children to hospital right away.
31) ................................................ we go fishing this afternoon?
32) ......................... .... ..... ....... you please help me with my homework?


Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the following "verbs".

1) I.... ...... .... .. .. .. .. very much interested in jazz music when I was in the navy
2) I .... ....... .......... ... an English teacher since I came lo Istanbul.
3) If you .... .... .. ............ careful, you will learn how lo drive a car in a short time.
4) I ................... .. .. ..... very happy if I go lo Paris next year.
5) The rain had slopped by the time we .......... ........ .... .. .ready to go.
6) My sister.. ... ... ..... ... .. ... in love with a pilot for four years when she left Madrid.
7) When I met Miranda in Istanbul, she ..... ............ ..... .. twenty years old.
8) I wish I ... .... ............. . .. at the party last night.
9) I wish I ..... .......... .. .. .. as handsome as you are.
10) Lora ...... ..... . .. ............ the most beautiful girl! have ever seen.
11) If I . . ................. .... ... ..in your place, I wouldn't leave her.
12) It... ............................. ... a long time since I last saw you in Paris.
13) I don't know if she ... ..... .... ... ............ married lo Tom three years ago.
14) It ... .. .................. the best game i had ever seen.
15) I...... .... never . ............. . m love with another girl until I came lo Paris.
16) Love me or leave me and let me .. ... .... ... . ...... lonely.
17) Linda .... .............................. .sick for six years before she found a better job.
18) You cannot get a driving licence until you ....... ...... ... .. eighteen years old.
19) Peter has been breaking things ever since he ....................... .... a little boy.
20) ..... ........... you ever .... .... ... to Canada in your life?
21) Barton Lynch ..................... ... ... .. in prison for ten years now.
22) ..... . ..... .... .. ... careful when you ... ... ............... driving a car.
23) I ............................. ... punished by my father every morning.
24) Helen ..... .............. .... in London next week if she... ... .. ......... ..... able to pass her class.
25) I want...... .. .... .. .... .... a medical doctor when I grow up,
26) I .... .................... interested in politics ever since I joined this club.
27) There used ... - ..................... .. . a church near the hospital many years ago.
28) I........... ........ ..... ... very happy if I gel married to that girl.
29) There ......... . .. ... .. a postal strike since last week.
30) .. ........... you ........... .. glad if you had three children now?

1) I. ................................ breakfast at the moment.
2) My father ............................. .... .. a cold shower every morning.
3) We ....... .... ..................... dinner when the phone rung.
4) I ...... ..... .... .... .... - a bath when 1 finish doing my homework.
5) She ................................................. a car when she was in London
6) We ...... .................................... a good time at the party last night.
7) The students .............................................. a good time when I saw them at the party.
8) My father ... ... ... ... .... ... this car since he became a teacher.

9) I wish I................................................. three children now.
10) It is time we ................................................. lunch now.
11) I ..... .... .... .. ..... .. my car repaired tomorrow.
12) We ....................................... a picnic if the weather is fine tomorrow.
13) I ......................................... a lot of headaches lately.
14) We .......................................... a lot of snow last year.
15) We ........................................ a chat when the teacher entered the classroom.
16) I....................... .. ..... ... Chemistry if 1 go to London.
17) When 1 heard the news, 1 gave up ................... .... ... .. for my exams.
18) Do you want......... ... ........... ... French before going to France?
19) I will play the piano while you ........... the accounts,
20) I love .... ........................................ in the morning, not in the evening.
21) After ..... .......................... . the works of Shakespeare, 1 started writing poems.
22) Stop ................. .. .. .. . the face of the man in the picture. Do something else.
23) I................................................ German for three years, but 1 cannot speak it yet.
24) If she.. ..... .... .......................Japanese alone, I am sure that she cannot make any progress.
25) If you want to be a medical doctor, you must.............................................. medicine.
26) Maria ................................................. a cup of lea before she started playing the piano.
27) If you want ................................................ a good time, you must come lo our party.
28) We ................ .. ... ... . dinner as soon as my father comes home.
29) It is a tradition........... .. .... .. Turkey for Thanksgiving Day dinner in the United States.
30) When 1 told the doctor that I . ........ . .......... earache for nearly a month, he gave me a prescription.

1) I................................................. for my exam at the moment.
2) Susan .......... ... ....................... English for two hours every day.
3) My father............. ......... .... .... French for two months last year.
4) My friend ................................................ this subject very carefully when the Second World War started.
5) We................................................. Russian since we came lo Istanbul.
6) The scientist................................................. the drinking habits of animals when he goes to Africa.
7) Shall we .... .................................... in the living room tonight?
8) .... ...... you ever...... ... .. the surface of the moon?
9) History and Economics .. .... .... .. ... ... by the students at this school.
10) The report you gave me . .. .. .. .. .. by the doctors tomorrow.
11) Let's ..... .. ... ... ....... the life of Atatürk.
12) Would you go lo London if you .. . .... ... ... . .... under Etude Menuhin?
13) If l were you I. .... .. ................. the map of Turkey before going there.
14) My parents didn't let me .. .... . ...... .. ... in my bedroom.
15) If they allow us . .... ... .................. in the living room. We will have a wonderful time.
16) 1 .. ............. ..... Chemistry if I go to London.
17) When f heard the news, f gave up .. .... ..... ............ for my exams.
18) Do you want .. .... ......... ..... French before going to France?
19) If will play the piano while you ............... .. .... .. the accounts.

20) 1 love ............. ..... .... ... in the morning, not in the evening.
21) Alter. ... ... .. .. .... the works of Shakespeare, I started writing poems.
22) Stop . .............. . ... .. the face of the man in the picture. Do something else.
23) If. ..... .. .. .. .. .. German for three years, but I cannot speak it yet.
24) If she ... ... .................... Japanese alone, f am sure she can't make any progress.
25) If you want to be a medical doctor, you must .. ... .. .... ..... medicine.


Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the "verbs" in brackets.
Example: I (make)........... .......... a lot of friends since I come........to Istanbul
I have made a lot of friends since 1 came to Istanbul.
1) Why (you/look) ................................................. at me like that? Have I said something wrong?
2) The River Amazon (flow) ............................................. into the Pacific Ocean.
3) Look! Somebody (climb) .. ..... .... ... ..... ...up that tree over there.
4) I will have eaten my dinner by the lime they (come) .. .. ... ... .. ..here.
5) The teacher (be) ........................................... at the meeting two days ago.
6) I (phone)... .... ... ...... ... .. you as soon as 1 arrive in London.
7) We (just / sit)..... .... ... .... .... .... down to dinner when a fire (breakout)............ ... .... ... ..last night.
8) The exam (already / begin)................. when they (discover)........... that one the exam papers (be). ... . missing.
9) Mr. Brown (usually/go)....................... to the theatre on Fridays. He (do).............that more than twenty years.
10) (you/meet) .......... ........ your English teacher? Yes, I have. I (meet) ................................. her yesterday.
11) (you/have)............................................... a good time at the party last night?
12) My feet hurt badly because I (walk) ........... .... .... ..... for an hour and a half.
13) My father (conduct) ............................................ an orchestra since 1997.
14) I wish I (be) ...... .. .. .. .... .. .. there to help when your mother (be)................... .... ..... .. so ill last night.
15) It is time you (go) ............................................ if you want to catch that train.
16) They (not / write) .... .... .... ... .... .. to us since they (go) .......................... ...... .... . to Madrid.
17) Tom feels tired now. He (practise) ... .... .... ................. his new guitar all day long.
18) He (teach) ........................ hundreds of students, but he (never/meet)...................... such a hopeless class like
19) Mrs. Smith (often / drink) ..... .. .... .......... tea, but today she (drink) .... ... ... .... ... ....coffee.
20) The house (be)............................... very quiet when 1 got home. Everybody (go).......................................... to bed.
21) He (sleep) .... .................................. for ten hours. It is time he (wake up) ………………………now,
22) When we reached the bus-stop, we (see) .... .... ........ that the bus (already / go) ........ ........ ......... ..
23) I (make) ............................................... cakes. That's why my hands are all covered with flour.
24) What would you do if you (have).. ........................................... a million pounds?
25) By the end of the month we (work) .... .... ... .... ....... on this book for ten months.
26) The telephone (ring) .................................... .. for five minutes. Why don't you answer it?
27) They were all exhausted because they (work) . ... ..... .... ..... ... hard since morning.
28) She (hardly / enter) ......................................... the classroom when the exam started.
29) They (not / leave) ................ .... ... .... . the office until I had completed my report.
30) What a pity that I don't know her telephone number. I wish I (know) ................................... her number.


Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the "verbs" in brackets.

1) Columbus (try)...... .... . to reach India for a long time when he (discover).... .. .............America.
2) None of the students (know)...... the answer to that question, because the teacher (not/teach)…….that subject yet.
3) I see that you (still/do) ..... .. .. ...your math homework. How many problems (you/solve)...... ... ...... so far?
4) This is the house where I used to live, but I (not/live) ... .. ... .. .. there any longer.
5) I (be). .. .. - -. in the cafe for nearly two hours when she finally arrived.
6) The accident happened after we (leave) ...... .. .. ... the restaurant.
7) I am on a strict diet. I (eat) ................................. ....... nothing but bananas for the last ten days.
8) I would rather you (not / say) .. .... ... .. .... anything about this to anybody, please.
9) If I (know) ... ... ..... ... .... .. that you (be).. ....... ............. ill, I would have visited you.
10)He told me that he (be). . .. ... ... .. in London for ten days.
11) I swear that there (never/be) ............. ............. ......... such a wonderful game of cricket before.
12) No sooner had she got onto the motorway than her car (break down). .............. ..... ..... . .
13) The Browns (buy)................... a big house in London last year, and they (live) ......... ...there ever since.
14) When I last (see).......him, he (live)…….in London .He (tell).........me that he (think of)…emigrating to Australia.
15) I posted the parcel today, so I am sure that you (get)........... it ma few days lime. It (usually /take)..........two days.
16) The watch you (buy) ... ............. yesterday (not/work) .......... I (lake)…….it back to the shop if I were you.
17) Do you mind if I (smoke) ..... ...... a cigarette here?
18) Your eyes were all red. (you/cry) .. .... ... .. .. when I (see) ................. .................. you?
19) What do you think you (do) ... ..... ... ... ... ? That's my car you (try) ................................... to get into.
20) 1 wish you (turn down) .... ... .. ....... . that music. I am trying to make a phone call.
21) Next Monday (be)........ ............................... a national holiday.
22) The President (only just/leave)...... ........ .... the Palace when a time-bomb (explode)........yesterday.
23) I cannot carry this heavy table. I wish someone (help).. .... ... .... ... ..me
24) You (not /tell)..........me that the buses were running. I wish you (tell). ..... me before I (leave)......... the house.
25) When the results of her medical tests (arrive) .............. she realised that she (not/be).. ... .... in good health.
26) He told me that he (be).. .. .. .. ... ... a waiter before (become) .. .. .. .. .... ... a taxi-driver.
27) They have been looking for the dog which (be) ... .. .... ... .. missing for three days.


Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the "verbs" in brackets.

1) There (be)........ ........................ many students al the meeting tomorrow,
2) That child (be) . ..... .......................... ill. He (eat).......... ...................... ever since he sat down.
3) I wish I (learn)................. ............... French when I (be). .. ...................... in Paris ten years ago.
4) I (go).. ........................... . to London two years ago, but I (not / be)...... ....................there since then.
5) John (be) .................................. busy now. He (write) ........................ ....... a letter.
6) We (be)..................................... in Madrid for two months last year.
7) The wind (always / blow).............................very hard during the month of March.
8) He says that he (be)................................. here in a few minutes.
9) (not/make) ........................ ...... a noise here, children! My baby (sleep)........... ......................
10)If you (not /know) ......................the meaning of a word, (look).......................it up in a dictionary.
11)It is high lime you (make up)......... .your mind about (choose)......... .. a career. If you (not / decide) ............. soon,
you can never settle down to work.
12)Whenever her husband (leave).................. ............... on business, she feels very lonely until he (come back)
13) We (go) ......... to the circus last week. It (be).........very interesting for me, because I (not/be).......to a circus before.
14) I am sure my life (change). .................. .... a lot after I (graduate) .... „...„.„...„„.... ... from the university.
15) I (be)............... to the cinema twice this week, but normally I (not/go)........... ..... to the cinema so often.
16) I have noticed that since 1 (start)....... ...................... this course, my English (improve) . ... ............. ..... a lot.
17) It is years since I last (see)........ ........ .. him, so I may not recognize him when 1 (meet)....... ...........him again.
18) There (be) ................ .................. great progress in computer technology in recent years.
19) The project I (work)............... on at the moment (seem) ......... .............. to be difficult, but it isn't in fact.
20) Sheila (always / catch).......................... the 8.30 train, but this morning she (catch) ........................ the 8.45.
21) I (run into) ............ him at nine o'clock this morning just before the exam; I (not / see) ................. him since then.
22) I (ring) ... ...........................his phone for ten minutes, but nobody (answer).......... .................... it yet.
23) When Columbus (land)...........in America in 1492, he (not/know).......... that he (discover)............ a new continent.
24) When I(arrive) ... ......................... .. at the theatre last night, the play (just/begin)... ............ ................
25) I am very nervous because this (be) ....... ......... the first lime 1 (drive)................................. a car in my life.


Make a comment for each of the following situations using the structures below to express your wishes for the
Present or Future.
Example: What a pity that I am a poor man.
I wish I were not a poor man. If only I were not a poor man.
It is a pity that Olga does not love me.
I wish Olga loved me. If only Olga loved me.

1) It is a pity that I don't know the name of that pretty girl.
I wish________________________________________________________
2) There is a party this evening, but I have a terrible headache.
If only________________________________________________________
3) We are very sorry that we live in a city with a lot of air pollution.
I wish ________________________________________________________
4) It is a shame that we don't have a television set at home.
If only ________________________________________________________
5) Natalie feels sorry that her parents live in misery.
Natalie wishes ________________________________________________________
6) It is a pity that I have to work in the office tomorrow.
If only ________________________________________________________
7) I am very sorry that I am not a king.
I wish ________________________________________________________
8) I am sorry that I cannot speak French as fluently as my father.
If only ________________________________________________________
9) What a pity that I am not as handsome as you are.
I wish ________________________________________________________
10) I am sorry that I have an old father.
If only ________________________________________________________
11) It is a great pity that people do not obey the traffic rules properly.
I wish ________________________________________________________
12) I am very sorry that I cannot go to the wedding party of my friend.
If only ________________________________________________________
13) What a pity that I am not in London now.
I wish ________________________________________________________


Make a comment for each of the following situations using the structure below to express your wishes for the
Present or Future.

Example: What a pity that I am not living in luxury.
I wish I were living in luxury.
If only I were living in luxury.
I am sorry that you are teasing my daughter about her spots.
I -wish you were not teasing my daughter about her spots.
If only you were not teasing my daughter about her spots.

1) It is a pity that I am not going to London with ray father.
I wish ________________________________________________________
2) What a pity that I am not dancing with that beautiful girl now.
If only ________________________________________________________
3) They are not doing the Polka now and 1 am sorry for that.
I wish ________________________________________________________
4) I am sorry that you are not helping Helen with her homework.
If only ________________________________________________________
5) I cannot see the Queen because you are sitting in front of me.
I wish ________________________________________________________
6) I think you are lying to your father now.
If only ________________________________________________________
7) I am sorry that you are selling your car.
I wish ________________________________________________________
8) It is a pity that you are helping my enemies.
If only________________________________________________________
9) What a pity that Patricia is not expressing her opinions clearly.
I wish ________________________________________________________
10) What a pity that you are not taking your fathers advice all the time.
If only________________________________________________________
11) I am sorry that you are not speaking as clearly as possible.
I wish ________________________________________________________
12) It is a pity that the children are making a lot of noise now.
If only ________________________________________________________
13) What a pity that you are not driving your car very carefully now.
I wish ________________________________________________________


Make a comment for each of the following situations using the structure below to express your wishes for the
Present or Future.
Example: I know that I cannot slop eating too much chocolate.
I wish I could stop eating so much chocolate.
It is a pity that my father smokes hubble-bubble.
I wish my father would stop smoking hubble-bubble.
1) I am sorry that I won’t be able to play tennis as well as Mary does.
I wish
2) What a pity that I won't be able to come to your party on Saturday.
I wish
3) It is a pity that your friend smokes too much.
I wish
4) According to the weather prediction, it is going to rain tomorrow.
I wish
5) My son is not coming to London for Christmas. All the rest of the family will be here.
I wish
6) Aren't you tired of wearing that old sweater?
I wish
7) This clock doesn't function properly.
I wish
8) My wife says it is her holiday too, and won't help with the children.
I wish
9) My husband doesn't try to find a better job.
I wish
10)We won't be able to start the English courses in the near future.
We wish
11)They are not doing anything for the welfare of Turkey.
We wish
12)You are getting married to that girl, but I must warn you that she is bad-tempered.
I wish
13)I notice that you are not paying attention to the traffic rules.
I wish
14)Margaret is always having her meals at that restaurant.
I wish
15)You are not behaving properly at the party.
I wish


Make a comment for each of the following situations using the structure below to change other people's irritating
habits or behaviour for the Present or Future.
Example: The children are always asking me for money.
I wish the children wouldn't always ask me for money.
Your friend is constantly having rows with his wife.
I wish he wouldn't constantly have rows with his wife.
1. Our neighbours are always quarrelling. It is really irritating.
I wish our neighbours
2. The children upstairs are making a lot of noise at the moment
I wish the children upstairs
3. My sister is always cracking her knuckles in front of visitors.
I wish my sister
4. My husband doesn't take me out to dinner once a year.
I wish my
5. The woman doesn't dust the furniture when she comes here.
I wish the woman
6. My brother is perpetually cheating me at cards.
I wish my brother
7. My friends are always joking about my moustache.
I wish my friends
8. The students are constantly yawning in the class.
I wish the students
9. Your daughter is always asking me silly questions.
I wish your daughter
10. Miranda is always coming to me with some stupid requests.
I wish Miranda
11. My father is constantly leaving his socks on the carpet.
I wish my
12. You are continually finding fault with me.
I wish you
13. My brother is always playing loud music, I am fed up with it.
I wish my brother
14. Monica is perpetually biting her nails.
I wish Monica
15. Helga is constantly tapping her foot like that. It is driving me crazy
I wish Helga..


Make a comment for each of the following situations using the structure below to express your wishes for the Past.
Example: It is a pity that I spent all my money on clothes yesterday.
I wish I had not spent all my money on clothes yesterday.
I am sorry that I didn't tell him the truth last night.
If only I had told him the truth last night.
1) What a pity that I didn't work for that company until 1 got married.
I wish I
2) I didn't learn Spanish when 1 was in Madrid, and now I am sorry for that.
If only I
3) I left the house before my friend came and I am sorry for that.
I wish I
4) I am sorry that I didn't wear my new dress to Helen's party last night.
If only I
5) Lillian stole her friend's lighter last week, and now she feels very sorry for it.
Lillian wishes she
6) Tina has just painted the door red. Now she thinks that it doesn’t look nice.
If only Tina
7) Gila mixed up all kinds of drinks last night, and now she has got a terrible headache.
Gila wishes she
8) It is a pity that my father got wet, because he had not taken his umbrella yesterday
If only my father
9) Lucy didn't look after her mother when she was sick, and now she is sorry for it.
Lucy wishes she
10)It is a pity that they couldn't take any pictures, because they had not brought their camera.
If only they
11)I didn't get married to the girl I loved, and now I arn very sorry for it.
I wish I
12)I was rude to my friend yesterday, and now I am very sorry.
If only I
13)What a pity that I couldn't buy the car I desired, because I didn't have enough money.
I wish I
14)My sister got up very early this morning, and now she is very sleepy.
If only my sister


Complete the following sentences
with the correct "Active" or "Passive Forms of the "verbs" in brackets.
Example: The search............................. when it........ ... ... .. dark, (abandon / get)
The search was abandoned when it got dark,
1) Caesar ........................................................... to death by his best friend, Brutus, in Rome, (stab)
2) While I....................................................... at the window, 1 saw the accident, (sit)
3) The film which ... .. ..... ... .......... ............ on TV at the moment is very boring, (show)
4) The thief who ... .... ...................................... the woman last week has not been caught yet. (kill)
5) What is the name of the boy whose bicycle ........ ....................................... last night? (steal)
6) Many lives would have been lost if penicillin ........................................ ... ..... (not, discover)
7) While the thief........................................................... by the police, he jumped over the fence, (chase)
8) The curtains haven't been washed since they ................................................ last year, (put up)
9) They ............................................. the winner with a silver cup yesterday, (present)
10) They always make a noise whenever I ........................................... ... to do my homework, (try)
11) I………………………………………………………… by my father if I don't do my homework, (always, beat)
12) She .......:................................................ a terrible headache last night, (have)
13) These houses ............... ............................. between 1980 and 1990. (build)
14) 1 am not accustomed to ................................. ..... ...... . in that way. (treat)
15) The Berlin wall................................ .... ........ in 1990-(knock down)
16) The train ........................................... .... .. for two hours last night because of the snow, (hold up)
17) While he ......................... .................... in France, he was killed by a Russian spy. (fight)
18) The frog turned into a prince when it.............................................. ..... (kiss)
19) We ......,...„„....„.....„„...„„....„....„„„..„ a rest while the car is being repaired by the mechanic, (have)
20) After he ...................... .... .. .... .......... from the company, he opened up a supermarket, (sack)
21) This method ........................................................ to cure the patients who are mentally ill. (use)
22) The situation is getting worse, something.......................................................... at once, (must, do)
23) The rules of the game ........................................ when 1 entered the playground, (already, explain)
24) Helen ............................................................ the flowers to the teacher yesterday, (send)
25) Rose and Tom .............................. ... .... ... by the captain of the ship the other day. (marry)
26) David ...................................... .... ........ in hospital ever since the accident happened, (be)
27) The man who was bitten by a snake ........................................ .... ..... to hospital tomorrow, (take)
28) After the letter ........................................ ..... ..... , he went for a walk an hour ago. (write)
29) Football .... .... ..... .... .... .... .......... in many countries, (play)
30) The bank ..... ............................................... many times since this economical crisis began, (rob)
31) The Tower of London .......................................................... as a prison many years ago. (use)
32) My brother ............................................................ French since he came to Istanbul, (study)
33) You are not allowed to smoke until the plane .............................................. (land)
34) Since 1 phoned you this morning, I. ..... .... ..... ... my clothes yet. (not, change)
35) The car looked as if it ... .. . .. ... .. .. for months, (not, clean)
36) We could call him if we ... .. .. ... .... .. ... his telephone number, (know)
37) In many parts of the world trees and lakes ... .. .. ... ..... . by acid rain, (destroy)
38) We didn't know the reason why he ... ... .... ... .... .. .. us. (leave)
39) If students don't pay attention, nothing .. .. .... ... ... ... by them, (can, learn)
40) While the tank .. ... .. .. . .. .. .., I was having a chat with Helen, (fill)
41) People ... .. .. .. .. ... ... French in many parts of Europe. (speak)
42) After their mother died, the two daughters . ... ... .... .. .. by their aunt, (bring up)
43) The chair had to be thrown away because Us springs .. ............................... .......... (break down)
44) You ... .... .. ..... .. ..... .. ...by the police until you tell the truth, (question)
45) More than one language ......................................... m Switzerland, (speak)
46) The atomic bomb ... .. ... .. ... .. .. in the Atlantic Ocean at the moment, (test)
47) The author doesn't mind . .. ... ... ..... .... .. by his friends, (critize)
48) When I was offered this job, I ........ .............. ........... it immediately, (accept)
49) In the end, it .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. that Joe was the thief, (discover)
50) The weather .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... terrible yesterday, so all the flights were cancelled, (be)
51) Up to now, nothing ................. .... ..... .. .... from the lost pilots, (hear)
52) The last ticket had been, sold just before we ....... .. .. .. .... ..... the box office, (gel to)
53) This cat ... ..... ... .... ... ... .... .. food twice a day. (must, give)
54) The prize money ...... .. ... .. .... ... equally between the two winners yesterday, (share)
55) The judge was taken it just after trial ... ........... ..................... . (begin)
56) Trams .. ...... .... ... ... .. .. in several European countries, (still, use)
57) I am sure you .................................................... .. very well in the exam last week, (do)
58) This house ... .. ... .. .. ........ .. for ten years, (not, paint)
59) My cousin was evicted from his flat because he . .. . ............... .. the rent, (not, pay)
60) The sheep ...... . ..... ....... ...... .. to the market by the shepherd tomorrow, (take)
61) The doctor ... ............................ ......... the patient the wrong prescription yesterday (give)
62) While our house ... .. ... ... ... .... ... , we stayed in a tent, (repair)
63) When he was threatened by the blackmailer, he .. ... .... .... .... ... the police, (inform)
64) My sister wants her son .. . .............................. to the United Slates, (send)
65) We ...... ... ... ... .... .. .... that the fire had been started by a cigarette, (think)
66) They said that the riot. .... ..... ... .... ... ... ... by the anarchists, (start)
67) If you .... ... .. .. .. .. .. . drugs, you are put in jail, (smuggle)
68) We ......................... .... ... .... to discuss political matters at school, (forbid)
69) We... ... .. ..... ....... ....... this country according to the present laws, (rule)
70) I .... ....... .... .. ... ... .... my mind to buy a new car. (already, make up)


Complete the following sentences with the "Gerund" or "Full Infinitive" forms of the "verbs" in brackets.
Example : In winter months, I really miss . .. .. ... ..... in the sun. (lie)
In winter months, I really miss lying in the sun. (gerund)
We are expecting. .... ........................ abroad this summer, (go)
We are expecting to go abroad this summer, (full infinitive)
1) I don't like.................................. alone in the house at night, (be)
2) We aired the room by ............................... ... the windows, (open)
3) Do you remember............... .. .......... to the seaside when you were young? (go)
4) I would like .... .... ... ............ you on behalf of all the staff, (thank)
5) Rana forgot. ................................. the lights when she went to bed. (turn off)
6) When I go shopping, I must remember .............................. some bread, (buy)
7) If you haven't got too much luggage, 1 suggest.......... ... .... .. the underground, (take)
8) It was very careless of you ...... .... ... ........ that coffee cup. (break)
9) I am considering ................... ......... my cousins in Mersin next summer, (visit)
10) I recommend you .... ....................... the time wisely, (use)
11) When I go on holiday, I like ..... ................... plenty of exercise, (take)
12) I didn't finish ........... ... ..... .... the room because I didn't like the colour, (paint)
13) The citizens are wailing for the Pied Piper ...... ... ... ..... their children back, (bring)
14) I told a white lie to avoid ... ............................... my wife's feelings, (hurt)
15) I don't usually like .... ... ..................... early, but I like ............ ... .. when 1 am on holiday, (get up/get up)
16) I can't help ... ........ ............... him when I see him. (laugh at)
17) I regret.... .. ................ you that we are not in a position to explain it. (inform)
18) Why don't you find something to do, like ...................... .... the car? (clean)
19) .......................... .. a degree enables you ........................ ... a better job. (have/get)
20) These children need ...... ....................... (look after)
21) I am fed up with.... .... ..................... this film on the television, (watch)
22) Brenda is very good at................................... phone numbers, (memorize)
23) She persuaded me .............................. in this play, (act)
24) It is no use................................. me the way. I am only a visitor here, (ask)
25) I cannot seem .................. ........ rid of this cold, (get)
26) Don't bother.... ........................... the lift, it is out of order, (try)
27) I cannot stand ................................... early in the morning, (get up)
28) She found it difficult........... .. .... ...... the busy street, (cross)
29) It was very kind of you .. ... ..................... me chocolates, (bring)
30) Those children are too young ...................... ....... themselves, (look after)
31) I am not hungry but I don't feel like ..... ................ anything, (eat)
32) I don't think it is worth .... ...... ... ..... .... government money on space explorations, (spend)
33) His impossible.. .. ... ... ... to Rose, she thinks she knows everything, (talk)
34) If your father gives up .. .. . ....... ...... he will live longer, (drink)
35) One of my main ambitions is .... .. ... . around the world, (travel)
36) I cannot afford ................... .. . a car at the moment, (buy)
37) If you want to stop . . ... ... .. ., try . .. ........... ...... gum instead, (smoke/chew)
38) The athlete tried ... ......... . .. the world record but he failed, (break)
39) Tom Cruise was very excited about……………..the Academy Award, (receive)
40) After .. .. .. .. the agenda, we went on discuss finance, (approve)
41) She is always the first........................... and the last . ..... ...... ............. (arrive /leave)
42) I don't fancy .. .. .. .. ... for a walk in the rain, (go)
43) The teacher doesn't permit ... ........... .. . during the exam, (talk)
44) The best thing is .. .... .. .. your local library, (ring up)
45) I like .................... .... every day, it keeps me fit. (exercise)
46) They were delighted.. .. ... ... ..... .. their father standing on the deck of the ship, (see)
47) It was very thoughtless of you ...... ............... such things to a sick old man. (say)
48) I chose .. ... ........... on the island because of my health, (live)
49) I was busy. .. .. ... .. the letter when the boss came, (type)
50) The captain ordered the passengers .. .. ...... .. . the ship, (abandon)
51) Muge is very fond of......................... chocolates, (cat)
52) This seems... .. .... .. .. a serious matter, (be)
53) My father doesn't allow me ... .. ..... .. .... in the evening, (play)
54) I always remember .......... ............ .......... the door before I go out. (lock)
55) Are you planning .. ... ... ....... a vacation this year? (lake)
56) When you finish .......... ........ . the letter, could you please help me? (write)
57) If you walk in these mountains, you risk ... ... .... ... lost, (get)
58) My father suggested ..... ... .... ...... to the cinema tonight, (go)
59) Everyone tried .. . .. ... ... the car, but it didn't move at all. (lift)
60) I haven't decided what...... ............ ..... lo the party, (wear)
61) I was made ..................................... for two hours for an appointment, (wait
62) The apples keep .............. .. .. from the trees in my garden, (disappear)
63) I don't mind people ............................... about my family, (gossip)
64) These scissors need .... .. ... .... ... immediately (sharpen)
65) If you carry on .. ... .. ... ... .., I will have to ask you to leave the room, (misbehave)
66) This film is worth .......... .................. , I think, (see)
67) She cannot stand .. ......................... alone during my absence, (be)
68) She refused .... .............................. the shoes I bought yesterday, (change)
69) It is silly of you ...... ........................ time like that, (waste)
70) It is no good .... ............................ him; he is deaf, (shout at)
71) Don't forget................... .. ......... me as soon as you arrive home, (phone)
72) Angela asked me...................... ......... to the cinema with her. (go)
73) I'll take you to hospital. I cannot bear................. ... ....... you in pain, (see)
74) We are thinking of.................................... to Italy for our holidays, (go)
75) Do you want................................... tennis this afternoon? (play)
76) Linda suggested ...................................... a day in Paris, (spend)
77) Sally has decided ............... .................... him a new watch for his birthday, (buy)
78) Paul agreed ............... .................... it again, (not, do)
79) The children have really missed .. ....................... .... in your lovely garden, (play)
80) I think George is interested in ... .................. . a lawyer, (become)
81) ................................... a new language is very interesting thing to do. (learn)
82) There is a regulation which forbids .................. ............ in hospitals, (smoke)
83) Where did you get the money? 1 don't remember................ ...... ..... it to you. (give)
84) Bill carried on . .................. ....... when his friends went on strike, (work)
85) She stopped .................... ........... on her project when she became sick, (work)
86) You had better stop ............. ................... so much alcohol, (drink)
87) I am afraid you are not allowed .. .............. ...... in here, sir. (smoke)
88) I cannot help .................................. when I am tired, (yawn)
89) Please leave off.... ......................... the carpet; the baby is sleeping, (hover)
90) A good servant knows how .............. ................ table, (wait at)
91) I like ................ ................. in the new swimming pool when it opens, (swim)
92) Did you have any trouble ......................... ..... the hotel I mentioned? (find)
93) Advertisements encourage people .................... ............ more money, (spend)
94) Getting to work on time means................. ..... ........ very early in the morning, (get up)
95) She has abstained from ...................................... for a long time, (drink)
96) There is no ............. ..... ............. what will happen. Don't waste time talking, (tell)
97) Jane took three weeks .... ... ..................... her illness, (get over)
98) You will have no difficulty (in) .... .................... . this letter into Turkish, (translate)
99) You will find it difficult............. ................... this subject to the students, (explain)
100) The travel agent recommended our................................... near the airport, (stay)
101) I cannot put up with your constant . ...... ....... ...... (complain)
102) The teacher advised me .. .................... carefully, (listen.)
103) Your piano needs ............ .............. (tune)
104) You should practise .......... ... . ... English at every opportunity (speak)
105) Try ....................... .... the bell. Someone may be in. (ring)
106) I have never imagined the mountain .. ... .. .. so high, (be)
107) Do you prefer ..................... .. your letters to .......... ....... . .. them by hand? (type/write)
108) My father didn't want me ... ... ..... . a ballet dancer, (become)
109) I study hard, this means ... ... ... ...... a lot of time in the library, (spend)
110) You are supposed ... .. .. .. .. your parents without ... ... .. .. why. (obey / ask)
111) There is nothing ... .. ... ... .... us from .................... married, (prevent/get)
112) He slopped ............................... the map and then walked on. (look at)
113) I will never forget......... .. ... Rosemary standing on the balcony, (see)
114) I don't mind ..... .... ... ... .. in a lent if there are no snakes, (sleep)
115) I am sorry I forgot .. .................... the letter you gave me. (post)
116) Don'1 pretend ......................... ... him, you know you don't really (like)
117) [hate... .... .. ... .. any kind of sports on television, (watch)
118) Children should be encouraged .... .. .............. as early as possible, (swim)
119) I really appreciate your .... ... .. ... .. to help the poor, (try)
120) The main subject of the talk is how . .. ... .. .. crimes from ..... .... .... .. . (prevent / happen)

121) My friend suggested ........ ... .. .. a picnic on the. island on Sunday, (have)
122) I quit................................. comic books when I was twelve years old. (read)
123) I got the students .... .. .. .. .... the sentences three limes, (repeat)
124) The school doesn't allow .................................. here, (smoke)
125) I cannot imagine ................ .. .in a place like that, (live)
126) I would recommend you .. ... .... ..... ... Turkey in the summer, (visit)
127) We expect Jane. ....... .. .. .. in the office on Saturdays, (work)
128) The policeman admitted (to)...... ... ... .. . bribes, (take)
129) The teacher explained his ... .... .... ... .... ill. (be)
130) There were a lot of girls, but I favoured .. ....... ....................... with Lucy, (dance)
131) Why don't you forbid your daughter ..................... .......... cigarettes? (smoke)
132) Pedro claimed ........... ...................... the last heir to the fortune, (be)
133) How did you come ................................. her? (know)
134) Should I include .. ................... a diploma on my application form? (have)
135) I happened .. .... ...... ... .... . the teacher in the park the other day. (see)
136) Paola is not well enough ......... ..... ..... ... to the party tomorrow, (come)
137) It is boring ..................................... there doing nothing, (sit)
138) It isn't worth while . ............ .... . to Paris for only one day (go)
139) Caroline forgot when................................. the children to the concert, (take)
140) It is useless ...................................... roses in this kind of soil, (plant)
141) Mandy was on the point of...................................... Istanbul when we got there, (leave)
142) Will you excuse my .. .. ......... ..... early? (leave)
143) My sister went on.. ... .. .... ... .. about the other matter, (talk)
144) I meant..................................... married last year but I didn't have enough money, (get)
145) If you want to go to the cinema, it will mean .... .... .... .... . a baby-sitter, (get)
146) She asked me ...................................... the car in front of the house, (not, leave)
147) Stop..... .... .. ... ... of the window and listen to me. (look out)
148) The policeman warned my father.. .... .. .... .... fast, (not, drive)
149) I know him ...................................... honest, (be)
150) I don't understand your ................................ angry with me. (get)
151) The teacher cannot tolerate my ... ... ... ..... late every day. (come)
152) I would like you ...................................... your holidays in Italy, (spend)
153) I cannot stand your .... .......... .... ... so rudely towards my father, (behave)
154) If you gamble, you risk.. ........ ........... your money, (lose)
155) The puppies looked so sweet that I couldn't resist... ..... . .... .. them, (stroke)
156) I don't recommend ...................................... your summer holidays in Paris, (spend)
157) Heidi offered .......... ......... .... me a lift to the station, (give)
158) My father promised me that he would give up.. ..... ..... ...... ....(smoke)
159) I don't recall...................................... to have lunch with you. (promise)
160) I would prefer you .................................. at home, (stay)
161) I had a good time...................................... at the party (dance)
162) She explained to me what kind of food.......... ....... ............ (eat)

163) They keep (on). ........ .. .... ... their minds all the time, (change)
164) Helen mentioned................................... me on television last week, (see)
165) The baby appears ...................................... hungry (be)
166) I cannot forgive Julia for. .......... ..... ..... her promise, (break)
167) She heard the noise, but she was afraid .................................... downstairs, (go)
168) My sister is afraid of................................... in the dark, (walk)
169) What you do is . .......... .... .... .. the eggs with flour, (mix)
170) Can you imagine.. .... ... .... .... .. ten thousand dollars in the state lottery? (win)


Complete the following sentences with the "Gerund" or "Infinitive" forms of the "verbs" on the list below.

1) I am very good at ........................... ... ... chess. Nobody can beat me.
2) Do you like... .. ... .. .. ... ......... classical music?
3) Do you think it is easy ................... .... .. ... .... a foreign language?
4) My brother learned ..... .......... .. .... ... .. . a car when he was seventeen.
5) I finished .................... .. ... .. .... . the first few pages of my term paper.
6) He promised . .. ..... .. ......................... the flowers while I was out of town.
7) My mother fell better after ..... .. .... ... ... .... her medicine.
8) It is pointless . ... ..... ... .... ... .... .. ..a language if you are never going to use it.
9) Could you please sit down and stop . .. . .. ...... ..... ..... .... .!
10. My sister is busy ...... ... ... ... ......... ..... . her homework at the moment.

1) There is always a traffic jam here. The road needs ... ................. .. ... ..
2) Taking care of the neighbour's house proved .... .... .... .... ... .... .. a difficult job.
3) I had a lot of difficulty ..... .... .. .... ... ............... another job in Istanbul.
4) After not...................................................... to each other for a year, they decided to bury the hatchel
5) It was rather childish of him ..... ... ... ....................... ... when he did badly in the test.
6) 1 would prefer .... .... .... .. .. .... .... ...here a bit if you don't mind.
7) Could you remind me .................. ................................. this letter?
8) I will never forget ....... .. .. .... .. .... .... in New York the first time.
9) I couldn't resist ... ... .. .... ... .... .... .. a trick on the teacher.
10. Why do you always insist on my .................. .. ... ... ... English all the time?

1) I hope you won't mind my ................................... .. .you are having a chat.
2) I don't feel like ....................................................., so T will say no more about the subject.
3) The traffic policeman stopped the man for.... .. ... .. ....... ..... ... intoxicated.
4) It is not much use. ... ... ... ..... .... .... .... our defeat on the weather.
5) It won't be easy for Melissa ........................................................ a new job in London.
6) I am interested in ....................................................... to Canada.
7) Remember... ........ ...... ... .. ...your answers before you leave the exam room.
8) I regret... ... .... ........ ... ......... you that I will not be able to atlend the reception next week.
9) It means ................................................. a raise or being thrown out of the office.
10) My parents always encourage me ..... .... .... ..... .... ... . as hard as I can.