19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi


Complete the following sentences with the structures below to express a "Positive" or "Negative" Logical Deduction
about the Past.

Example : A: Did you hear the explosion last night?
B: No, I didn’t. I must have been fast asleep.
A: The prisoner escaped at night.
B: He can't have escaped at midnight because he was with me all night,

1. A: My brother speaks Spanish fluently.
B: He ______________________ lived in Spain for a long lime then.
2. A: I saw a ghost last night.
B: You ______________________ seen a ghost; there aren't any ghosts in this world.
3- A: She told me that her father went to London.
B: You ______________________ misunderstood her, because her father went to Paris.
4. A: As I was standing in the hall, your dog bit me.
B: It______________________ been my dog; it was with me all day long.
5. A: The fish has disappeared. I wonder if the cat has eaten it.
B: Well, if the fish has disappeared, the cat ______________________ eaten it.
6. A: I saw Judy in the cinema last night.
B: You ______________________ seen her; she is still in hospital.
7. A: The burglar went straight to the safe although it was hidden behind a picture.
B: Someone ______________________ told him where it was.
8. A: My pocket is empty. Have I spent all my money?
B: Well, if your pocket is empty, you ______________________ .spent all your money.
9. A: Marisa is very late. 1 wonder if her car broke down.
B: Well, if she is late, her car ______________________ broken down.
10. A: Rose wrote the letter in English.
B: She ______________________ written it in English, because she doesn't know English.
11. A: People used to walk ten kilometres to do their shopping many years ago.
B: They ______________________ had a lot of lime and energy in those days.
12. A: The door was open when I came home.
B: it______________________ been open. I had locked it myself and the key was in my pocket.
13. A: Do you know why Gilda is walking to work?
B: She ______________________ missed the bus again.
14- A: Anita went to sleep in the park and when she woke up her purse had vanished.
B: Someone ______________________ stolen it when she was asleep.
15. A: 1 cannot find my wallet. Did I leave it at home, I wonder?
B: Well, if you cannot find your wallet, you ______________________ left it on the bus.

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