19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi


Complete the following sentences with the other halves by writing them. Put the corresponding letter in brackets.
1. ( ) - Let's forget work...... .. .. .. ................. .....
2. ( )-Rose went to work ...... ..............................
3. ( ) - The football match was postponed .............
4. ( )-I found a note on the wind screen .. ............
5. ( ) - Helen was walking very carefully ..... .. ...
6. ( )-The box was so heavy .... ... .... ......... .. .
7. ( ) -You will have a holiday tomorrow .,... ..............
8. ( ) -Jane lives in Istanbul ... ............ ... .. ............
9. ( )-They have made progress ................ .... ...........
10. ( ) - George runs faster .............. .... ................ ..... .
11. ( )-You had better take an umbrella . ............. ....
12. ( ) -1 will go to the cinema .................... .... ............
13. ( ) - My mother didn't let me go to the forest.........
14. ( )-Eileen went to bed very early ................ ...
15. ( ) - Melanie was trembling all over ... ............ ...

A as I was getting into my car.
B lest she (should) fall on the ice.
C as though she had seen a ghost.
D while we are on holiday.
E because she was exhausted.
F despite the fact that she was ill.
G in case I (should) get lost.
H until the weather improved / had improved.
I as long as you work hard today.
J in spite of the fact that they have had a lot of difficulties.
K regardless of what the doctor says.
L since I arrived here.
M as far as I know.
N that Mary couldn't lift it.
O than I do.

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