19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi


Make a comment for each of the following situations using the structure below to express your wishes for the
Present or Future.

Example: What a pity that I am not living in luxury.
I wish I were living in luxury.
If only I were living in luxury.
I am sorry that you are teasing my daughter about her spots.
I -wish you were not teasing my daughter about her spots.
If only you were not teasing my daughter about her spots.

1) It is a pity that I am not going to London with ray father.
I wish ________________________________________________________
2) What a pity that I am not dancing with that beautiful girl now.
If only ________________________________________________________
3) They are not doing the Polka now and 1 am sorry for that.
I wish ________________________________________________________
4) I am sorry that you are not helping Helen with her homework.
If only ________________________________________________________
5) I cannot see the Queen because you are sitting in front of me.
I wish ________________________________________________________
6) I think you are lying to your father now.
If only ________________________________________________________
7) I am sorry that you are selling your car.
I wish ________________________________________________________
8) It is a pity that you are helping my enemies.
If only________________________________________________________
9) What a pity that Patricia is not expressing her opinions clearly.
I wish ________________________________________________________
10) What a pity that you are not taking your fathers advice all the time.
If only________________________________________________________
11) I am sorry that you are not speaking as clearly as possible.
I wish ________________________________________________________
12) It is a pity that the children are making a lot of noise now.
If only ________________________________________________________
13) What a pity that you are not driving your car very carefully now.
I wish ________________________________________________________

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