19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi


Her...... ......... .... .... is gelling worse and worse. She is afraid to speak to anybody, (shy)
You should read the .. .. .. ,. ......... . before you fill in this form, (explain)
We had better go by train. The car is too .... . ........... ...... for such a long journey, (rely)
They finally reached an........ ..... ......... . on the price of the house, (agree)
She inspired me to be more ............. .............. with my own cooking, (invent)
The people here are very kind and........ .. .... ................ to strangers, (help)
Have you noticed the .. .. ............ .. ... of these two words? (similar)
He is under a lot of... ............... ........ at work, (press)
What caused the ............. .. ...... of the stadium? (destroy)
The government is searching for a ......... ........ .. to the problem, (solve)
In Turkey, general .... ............ ......... are held every five years, (elect)
After the children went back to school, the house was .... ............. ........... quiet, (compare)
.. . ......... .... ... people find it easy to produce new and original ideas, (create)
The audience was/were ......... .. ........... and soon left the theatre, (bore)
Seals are in danger of........... ........... ..(extinct)
The bloodstain on her dress was very ... ............. ... .....(notice)
These strikes are a great..... ................. ...... to the country's economic recovery, (hinder)
The government wants big industries to be run with greater .......... .............. (efficient)
What can we do to reduce the .. .. ............ ....... of the atmosphere? (pollute)
Don't be so. ... ................ ......! You have already eaten enough, (greed)
Millions of people are threatened with... ...... ... . ....... .(starve)
Many of the gases produced by factories are .......... .... ........... to our health, (harm)
Protecting the environment is essential to our . .... .......... ........ (survive)
Many countries must try and control the .. .... ...... .. .. of the pollution, (grow)
Whenever I see Eileen, my heart starts healing......................................(wild)
I need a screwdriver to do the job . (proper)
I mainly do ..... ... ......... .. work for a living, (clerk)
Has your father done the ... .. ... ? (pilgrim)
He didn't sound very ....... .. ... .when I told him about the trip (enthusiasm)
Paul Gauguin lived in .... .. .... .. .. and discomfort in Paris, (poor)
The storm caused widespread.. . ..... . . in the country side, (destroy)
The soldier was given a gold medal for his . ... in the battle, (brave)
Please give details of your present .... .. ..(occupy)
His first attempt to climb up the mountain ended in ... .... (fail)
The soldier was accused of ... ....... . . .. because he ran away (coward)

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