19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi


1. He got wet because he didn't have an umbrella.
If he .................... .... ............... ....... ... ..................... ......... .... .. .. .. ... ........ ..

2. The plate was so hot that Caroline couldn't pick it up.
It was ... .... .. .. .. .......... . .. .. ................ .. ... ........ ..... .. ... ......... ,. .. . ...... . - -

3. Bill didn't go to work because there was a transport strike.
If there.. ................. ....... .. ..... ..................... .... ... ... ........................ ... .. ..... ........... ... ..

4. It is not always necessary to show your passport al the border.
You .......... ...................... ... ... .... .............................................................. .....

5. If a new bridge is not built, the traffic problem will get worse.
Unless ........... ..... ................ ... ..... .... .. .. . .......... ... . .. .. ... .. . ........... ... .........

6. The new motorway to the coast is still being built.
They are still ..... ................ .. .. .. ..... ................. .. .. .. ... .............. .... ... ..

7. I prefer flying to going by ship.
I would rather...................... ....... .... .... ................... ........ ... .. ..................... .. ...

8. Bill Brown started flying planes ten years ago.
Bill Brown has .............. ... .... .... ., .. ....................... . .... ..... .... .............................. .. ... .. .

9. They have already banned lorries from the centre of some cities.
Lorries....................... . ..... .. ... ... ... . ..... ..... .. ... .. ....................... .. .. ...

10. Public transport used to be cheaper than it is now.
Public transport isn't .. .. . .. .. .. .. ........ ..... . .. ... .. ............ . ... ..

11. I have never been on a transatlantic flight before.
This is ... .... .. .............................. ... ... .. .......................... .... .... .... ................... .. .. ... ....

12. My father used to cycle more than he does now.
My father doesn't cycle .............. .... ... .. . ............................ ... .... .... . ......... ..... ..... .... .. .

13. The super jet flew from London to New York in only two hours.
It only took .................. .... ... ................... ... .. ............... .... .. ... ... .. .......

14. John's salary was so low that he demanded a pay rise.
John had. ........ .............. . .. .... ... .... .......... ......... .. .. ... ...... .......... ... ...

15. It is too cold to go swimming today
It isn't ............... .... .. ... .......................... ... ..... ................................ .. ... .............................. ...

16.I would rather stay at home than go to the cinema.
I prefer ...... .. .. ..................... ... ... ............................ .. ... .. ... .................

17. Although he felt ill, Philip went to work.
In spite ................ .... ..... ... ..... ..... ...................................... ... .... .... ..........................

18. Are you still doing your homework?
Haven't you ........ ............ ............................................ .... .... .... .... .............

19. " Nancy, what about staying for dinner?" said Müge.
Muge invited ................. .. .... ....... .... ..... ...... .............................................. .......

20. Somebody will steal your bicycle unless you lock it.
Your bicycle ............................................................................................................................... ......

21. Paul wasn't healthy enough to become a soldier.
Paul was........... .. .... ... ... .... .... .... ..... ..... ..... ...... .... .... ..... -- ..... -

22. Maureen didn't have enough holiday to visit her aunt in Australia.
Maureen's holiday . ....... ................................................................. .......... ...... .... ...

23. I have never had such a marvellous opportunity before.
This is .................................................. ....... ..... ..... ..... .............................................. ..... ....

24. Rose worked harder than Carol.
Carol didn't........ ... .................................................................... ..... ...... .............................

25. The training course was not so interesting as he had expected.
He had expected .......................................................... ... ..... ..... ... ....... .....................

26. " Why don’t we go windsurfing tomorrow? "John said.
John suggested ............. .......... .... ..... ...... ...................................................... ... ...

27. It annoys me when people smoke in restaurants.
I cannot stand people ............... .... .... ...... ......... . ...................................................

28. We couldn't swim in the sea because of strong currents.
Strong currents prevented ............................................................................ ...... ..... ..... ...

29. Did I pay the bill? I don’t remember.
I don't remember ......................................................................................... ... ..... ..... .......

30. Oh, yes. I am certain that I saw that woman,
I remember ............................................. ..... ..... ........... .......................................................

31. Susan had her eyes lased.
Susan's eyes ............................................................. .... ........ ... - - ...............

32. A lot of people say that sugar is bad for old people.
Sugar .......................................... .. .... ... ..... ..... ........... ....... ...... .... ...........................

33. Lucy asked me if I had always smoked so much.
Lucy said : ' ...... ....... ............. .... .... ..... ..................................................?'..............

34. Nobody can answer the question.
The question ............................................... .... ..... ..... ...... ..... ............ ..... .......

35. We won't go to the seaside unless the weather improves.
If............ .... .......... ... ..... ... .. ..... ........ ... ................................................ .............

36. It was such an interesting film that we saw it twice.
The film ... ... .... .. ... .. .. .... .... ........ ......... ......

37. Helen is a better tennis-player than I am.
I am not. . .. .. .. ... ..... . ................ ..... .... ...

38. People speak English in the United Stales of America.
English. .. .. . ......................... . . .. ... .. .... ... .. ...

39. Christopher Wren designed that church.
That church. ... ... ................................. .... .. .. .. .. ......

40. I think I should take an aspirin.
I had . ... .. ... ... .. ....... .. ... .. ...... ..... ..... .............. ... ...

41. "I had nothing to do with the robbery, "he claimed.
He denied ........ ................ ............. ....................... ..................... .... ..... ........ .

42. I will be glad to get my new false teeth.
l am looking .... .... ... .. ..... ... .. .. .. .. ... ... ..... .... ..

43. A number of accidents have occurred in our factory recently.
There ............... ........... ........................ ....... ...... ....................... ..... ................

45. A very clever surgeon operated on Uncle Percy last month
Uncle Percy .. .... ......... .... ................ .......... ............. ...... .................

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