19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi

must / can't

Complete the following sentences with the construction below to express a "Positive" or "Negative" Logical
Deduction about the present.

Example: The lift is not working. It... .... be out of order.
The lift is not working. It must be out of order.
He has got fair hair, so he . .. .... be an Indian.
He has got fair hair, so he can't be an. Indian.

She ......... .......... be a doctor. She doesn't look old enough.
Her bed room light is on, so she .. .... .... be asleep now.
There . .. .... be someone in the house; there is smoke coming from the chimney.
They don't know each other, so they .. .... be strangers.
You haven't stopped yawning for the past twenty minutes, Janet . You .............. .... . be tired.
I had difficulty in starting the car. There . .... .... be something wrong with the batter)'.
I hear your daughter has got a really good job. You .... ... .... be very proud of her.
The dog is barking fiercely, so there ............ .. be someone at the door.
There is somebody at the door. It is ten o'clock. It .. .be the postman.
Your father has been off work for five weeks. He ... ..... be very ill.
We have just started working. You . ... ... be tired already.
She is always spending money like water. She. .. .. be very rich.
Your father has been running since the sun rose. He .... ............ be very tired.
It is twelve o'clock and Vince is not answering the phone; he.. .. .. be out.
You look just like Jackie; you ... ... be her sister.
If you feel like swimming another mile, you ............ .... .be tired.
By my watch it is live o'clock, but if that is the 6 o'clock news, my watch .. ... .. be slow.
You know lots of things about English grammar. Then you ... . .. .... be an English teacher.
Angela writes a lot of letters to her friends. She. .. ... have a lot of spare lime.
The teacher ..... ... beat home. No, he ... ... be at home because I saw him in the staff room five minutes ago.
A lot of people travel by plane, so flying ... ..... . be dangerous.
The child cannot buy even a loaf of bread. He ... .............. be very poor.
You..... ... ... be hungry yet; you had dinner only an hour ago.
If the teacher is shouting at everybody, she ....... ............ be very angry.
Janet.................. be married because she is only fifteen years old.

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