19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. You must
use between two and five words.
Example: We must not allow the fire to spread to the other buildings, (prevent)
We must.....................................to the other buildings.
We must prevent the fire from spreading to the other buildings.

1. Susan was too nervous to say anything, (that)
Susan was........ .... ... ........ .. ..... ............... .... ..... ... .... not say anything.

2. I am sure that somebody saw what happened (must)
Somebody ... ............... ... ................... .. ........ ... .. ..........what happened.

3. The painter you recommended is redecorating the house, (having)
We............ ...... ..................... ... ..... ..... .............. ... .... by that painter you recommended.

4. " Do you know where Zeynep is living?" he said to me. (where)
He asks me  .. .. ......................... .... .................... ..... ... ...living.

5. Don't forget to contact me if you come to Paris, (touch)
Don't forget.................. ..... .. .. ................. .... .... ... ................. if you come to Paris.

6. We took the exam in a very noisy room, (where)
The.......... .. .. ... ................. .... .. ................. . .. exam was very noisy.

7. The students haven't finished their homework yet. (still)
The students ... ... ... ........................ .... ... .................. . ... ..... ... their homework.

8. The players did their best, so the manager thanked them, (for)
The manager .. ...................... ... ... ................... ....... ... ... .. .......... their best.

9. I started to learn Spanish a couple of years ago. (for)
I have ......................... .. ... ... ... . ...... ..... . ... .... . ............ a couple of years.

10. When did you last see your English teacher? (since)
How.... .. ... .................. ..... .. ................. .. ... .. ....... you last saw your English teacher?

11. My father said to me, "Did you enjoy the party?" (enjoyed)
My father asked me .. ............ .... ... ...... ....... .. ... ..... ... ............... the party.

12. It is a pity that I can’t have a few weeks off. (only)
If . ... .. .. ........... . .. .. ... .. ........ .. . .... .... a few weeks off.

13. What a pity that I am not in Paris now. (were)
I wish...... .. .. ... ............. .... .... ....... ........ .. .... . in Paris now.

14. Don't try to phone the station because the line is engaged now. (good)
It is................... ... .. ........................ .... .. phone the station because the line is engaged now.

15. When did your sister get married? (ago)
How........... ....... ........................ .... ............... .. .. .... ...... married?

16. Who did your hair at the weekend? (have)
Where did................... .. ... ................ ... .... .. .... ........ .. .. al the weekend?

17. Electric power will drive cars in the future. (be)
Cars. .. ... ..... .. .... .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. . ..... electric power in the future.

18. My sister cannot vote because she is too young, (enough)
My sister............................ ... ..... .... ...... .. .. ... .. ... .. vote.

19. Football doesn't interest me very much, (interested)
I ..... ..... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .... football.

20. I have had enough of listening to all your complaints. (fed)
I .................................... ................. .... ... .... - - . to all your complaints.

22. She is keen on meeting people from other countries, (who)
She wants..... .... ............ ............................. ... ...... .... .. .. .. from other countries.

23. I think Tutankhamun was possibly murdered by a member of his own family, (may)
Tulankhamun's murderer .. .. .... .... .... ..... .... ... .... .... .... ... .. ...... a member of his own family.

24. Whose wallet is this? (belong)
Who.. .................................................................... ......................... .. to?

25. Danny writes more clearly than Karen, (as)
Karen doesn't..... .... .. ... .... ... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ...... .................. Danny.

26. Despite leaving home early, we missed the beginning of the film, (although)
We missed the beginning of the film... ... ... ... .. .... ... ... .... .... ..... .... .. ... .... home early.

27. I have never seen such a beautiful girl in my life, (most)
She ...... .... ... .... .. .. .... .... ... ..... ..... .... .... .... .. .. . I have ever seen in my life.

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