19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi


Combine the following pairs of sentences using "IN CASE" to express a "precaution".

Example: I will give Jane my address. Perhaps she will write to me.
I will give Jane my address in case she writes to me.
I gave Jane my address. Perhaps she would write to me.
I gave Jane my address in case she wrote to me.

1) I will give you a key Perhaps you will come home early
2) I will not go out this evening. My girl friend will probably phone me.
3) You had better hurry. It is probable that you will miss the train.
4) I will make the man lie down. Maybe he will faint and fall.
5) You should lake a map with you. Perhaps you will get lost in lire city.
6) I will write this number down. I will probably forget it.
7) You have to leave for work early. Perhaps you will gel stuck in a traffic jam.
8) I will take a sweater with me. Perhaps the weather will get cold.
9) 1 will play the record softly. Perhaps our neighbour will complain.
10)I want to leave now. Perhaps the bus will come early
11)I will send these photographs to you. Perhaps you will be interested.
12)I will take a gun with me. Perhaps the bandits will attack me.
13)You had better chain up the dog. Most probably it will bite.
14)You had better take an umbrella. It is probable that you will get wet.
15)I bought the car at once. Perhaps the owner would change his mind.
16)We will walk home. We are likely to miss the last bus.

2 yorum:

  1. 1.ı will give you a key in case you come home early.
    2.ı will not go out this evening in case my girlfriend phones me.
    3.you had better hurry in case you miss the train.
    4.ı will make the man lie down in case he faints and falls.
    5.you should lake a map with you in case you get lost .
    15.ı bought the car at once in case the owner changed his mind.
