19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi


Complete each sentence with a proper "Preposition" on the list below.

I am ashamed...................... my children's behaviour.

... .... ..... his great surprise, he won the first prize.

The man was found guilty ...... ... .. murder.

..... .... first I thought he was very rude, but now 1 like him.

There is a house. ............... sale near here.

He insisted...... .... having his lawyer present.

I would like to apologize .................... you .. .... ..... what I said.

The teacher is always complaining .......... ... the parents ...... .... the students.

I am not .............. good terms ....................... my brother; we are always fighting.

The teacher accused the child ................ his bad behaviour.

She was .... ....... a hurry and didn't notice that she had dropped her purse.

She is very keen ... ......... .. playing computer games.

He was jealous . .. ..... .. his friend's success.

Your dress is really very similar.... .. .. the one I have just bought.

Olga spent all her money ... ........... a new car.

John claimed that he was not guilty ..................... committing the crime.

I am not accustomed ....................... driving .................... the left side of the road.

Mothers always worry ..... .. .. their children, and so do fathers.

My father is frightened.................. snakes.

My wife is very fond ..................... working in the garden.

She bought these books ................ the black market.

My father is worried ......... .... my health.

Have you found the solution . ..... ... .... . the problem?

I haven't got much talent.......... ... .music.

We are ..................... favour.... .. .............. this reform.

Are you married .... ... ......... Gilda?

I always try to be patient.......... ... .. my students.

The horse was able to jump .... ............. the high wall.

I haven't got any money ........................ me.

I prefer red cars ...... .... ... ... blue ones.

We must book a room ........................... advance if you really want to go there.

He was a man ............................. great determination.

The teacher was delighted .... ......... .... the students' progress.

James was very proud .... ..... ... .... his brother.

She is not interested .......................... classical music.

I haven't seen you ....... .... ..... . ages. Where have you been?

I don’t agree .......... ....... the man who says that Turkey is full ........................ impostors.

I am sick and tired .............................. living in Istanbul.

We are waiting............................. the arrival............................. his plane.

My father has been working there..................... . a long lime.

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