19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi


Complete the following sentences
with the correct "Active" or "Passive Forms of the "verbs" in brackets.
Example: The search............................. when it........ ... ... .. dark, (abandon / get)
The search was abandoned when it got dark,
1) Caesar ........................................................... to death by his best friend, Brutus, in Rome, (stab)
2) While I....................................................... at the window, 1 saw the accident, (sit)
3) The film which ... .. ..... ... .......... ............ on TV at the moment is very boring, (show)
4) The thief who ... .... ...................................... the woman last week has not been caught yet. (kill)
5) What is the name of the boy whose bicycle ........ ....................................... last night? (steal)
6) Many lives would have been lost if penicillin ........................................ ... ..... (not, discover)
7) While the thief........................................................... by the police, he jumped over the fence, (chase)
8) The curtains haven't been washed since they ................................................ last year, (put up)
9) They ............................................. the winner with a silver cup yesterday, (present)
10) They always make a noise whenever I ........................................... ... to do my homework, (try)
11) I………………………………………………………… by my father if I don't do my homework, (always, beat)
12) She .......:................................................ a terrible headache last night, (have)
13) These houses ............... ............................. between 1980 and 1990. (build)
14) 1 am not accustomed to ................................. ..... ...... . in that way. (treat)
15) The Berlin wall................................ .... ........ in 1990-(knock down)
16) The train ........................................... .... .. for two hours last night because of the snow, (hold up)
17) While he ......................... .................... in France, he was killed by a Russian spy. (fight)
18) The frog turned into a prince when it.............................................. ..... (kiss)
19) We ......,...„„....„.....„„...„„....„....„„„..„ a rest while the car is being repaired by the mechanic, (have)
20) After he ...................... .... .. .... .......... from the company, he opened up a supermarket, (sack)
21) This method ........................................................ to cure the patients who are mentally ill. (use)
22) The situation is getting worse, something.......................................................... at once, (must, do)
23) The rules of the game ........................................ when 1 entered the playground, (already, explain)
24) Helen ............................................................ the flowers to the teacher yesterday, (send)
25) Rose and Tom .............................. ... .... ... by the captain of the ship the other day. (marry)
26) David ...................................... .... ........ in hospital ever since the accident happened, (be)
27) The man who was bitten by a snake ........................................ .... ..... to hospital tomorrow, (take)
28) After the letter ........................................ ..... ..... , he went for a walk an hour ago. (write)
29) Football .... .... ..... .... .... .... .......... in many countries, (play)
30) The bank ..... ............................................... many times since this economical crisis began, (rob)
31) The Tower of London .......................................................... as a prison many years ago. (use)
32) My brother ............................................................ French since he came to Istanbul, (study)
33) You are not allowed to smoke until the plane .............................................. (land)
34) Since 1 phoned you this morning, I. ..... .... ..... ... my clothes yet. (not, change)
35) The car looked as if it ... .. . .. ... .. .. for months, (not, clean)
36) We could call him if we ... .. .. ... .... .. ... his telephone number, (know)
37) In many parts of the world trees and lakes ... .. .. ... ..... . by acid rain, (destroy)
38) We didn't know the reason why he ... ... .... ... .... .. .. us. (leave)
39) If students don't pay attention, nothing .. .. .... ... ... ... by them, (can, learn)
40) While the tank .. ... .. .. . .. .. .., I was having a chat with Helen, (fill)
41) People ... .. .. .. .. ... ... French in many parts of Europe. (speak)
42) After their mother died, the two daughters . ... ... .... .. .. by their aunt, (bring up)
43) The chair had to be thrown away because Us springs .. ............................... .......... (break down)
44) You ... .... .. ..... .. ..... .. ...by the police until you tell the truth, (question)
45) More than one language ......................................... m Switzerland, (speak)
46) The atomic bomb ... .. ... .. ... .. .. in the Atlantic Ocean at the moment, (test)
47) The author doesn't mind . .. ... ... ..... .... .. by his friends, (critize)
48) When I was offered this job, I ........ .............. ........... it immediately, (accept)
49) In the end, it .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. that Joe was the thief, (discover)
50) The weather .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... terrible yesterday, so all the flights were cancelled, (be)
51) Up to now, nothing ................. .... ..... .. .... from the lost pilots, (hear)
52) The last ticket had been, sold just before we ....... .. .. .. .... ..... the box office, (gel to)
53) This cat ... ..... ... .... ... ... .... .. food twice a day. (must, give)
54) The prize money ...... .. ... .. .... ... equally between the two winners yesterday, (share)
55) The judge was taken it just after trial ... ........... ..................... . (begin)
56) Trams .. ...... .... ... ... .. .. in several European countries, (still, use)
57) I am sure you .................................................... .. very well in the exam last week, (do)
58) This house ... .. ... .. .. ........ .. for ten years, (not, paint)
59) My cousin was evicted from his flat because he . .. . ............... .. the rent, (not, pay)
60) The sheep ...... . ..... ....... ...... .. to the market by the shepherd tomorrow, (take)
61) The doctor ... ............................ ......... the patient the wrong prescription yesterday (give)
62) While our house ... .. ... ... ... .... ... , we stayed in a tent, (repair)
63) When he was threatened by the blackmailer, he .. ... .... .... .... ... the police, (inform)
64) My sister wants her son .. . .............................. to the United Slates, (send)
65) We ...... ... ... ... .... .. .... that the fire had been started by a cigarette, (think)
66) They said that the riot. .... ..... ... .... ... ... ... by the anarchists, (start)
67) If you .... ... .. .. .. .. .. . drugs, you are put in jail, (smuggle)
68) We ......................... .... ... .... to discuss political matters at school, (forbid)
69) We... ... .. ..... ....... ....... this country according to the present laws, (rule)
70) I .... ....... .... .. ... ... .... my mind to buy a new car. (already, make up)

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