19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi


Make a comment for each of the following situations using the structure below to express your wishes for the
Present or Future.
Example: I know that I cannot slop eating too much chocolate.
I wish I could stop eating so much chocolate.
It is a pity that my father smokes hubble-bubble.
I wish my father would stop smoking hubble-bubble.
1) I am sorry that I won’t be able to play tennis as well as Mary does.
I wish
2) What a pity that I won't be able to come to your party on Saturday.
I wish
3) It is a pity that your friend smokes too much.
I wish
4) According to the weather prediction, it is going to rain tomorrow.
I wish
5) My son is not coming to London for Christmas. All the rest of the family will be here.
I wish
6) Aren't you tired of wearing that old sweater?
I wish
7) This clock doesn't function properly.
I wish
8) My wife says it is her holiday too, and won't help with the children.
I wish
9) My husband doesn't try to find a better job.
I wish
10)We won't be able to start the English courses in the near future.
We wish
11)They are not doing anything for the welfare of Turkey.
We wish
12)You are getting married to that girl, but I must warn you that she is bad-tempered.
I wish
13)I notice that you are not paying attention to the traffic rules.
I wish
14)Margaret is always having her meals at that restaurant.
I wish
15)You are not behaving properly at the party.
I wish

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