19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi


Complete the following sentences with the "Conjunctions" on the list below.

A. UNLESS       BECAUSE       AS IF          IN CASE       WHEN

1. I will take a torch with me ............. ... . ........... I have to come home in the dark.
2. You should wear your seat belt.... ... .......... ..... .... you are driving your car.
3. Helen looks.. .............. ... .. ... she hasn't slept for several days.
4. I don't want to leave the children alone .... ... .......... ... they are very quarrelsome.
5. Jack continued playing the piano .... ............... .... he felt tired.
6. The villagers stored the potatoes ...... ... ................ they would have enough food for the winter.
7. The fans cheered ......... ... .... .. ........ . they saw their favourite footballer.
8. The children waited under the tree ........ ... ... .... .... it stopped raining.
9. ............ .... ... .. Nigel was in hospital, he lost his job.
10- He threatened to tell the newspapers ...... ... ..... ..... .... he got a thousand pounds.

B.  AS IF       AS      SINCE       EVEN THOUGH
WHEN       BECAUSE       THAT       UNTIL      IN CASE
1. Take your cheque book .. .. .. ................ you run out of cash
2. You are not allowed to smoke .......... ..... ... ...... the plane lands/has landed.
3. Our electricity was cut off ... .............. .. we had not paid the electric bill.
4. The lawyer claimed ........ ... ..... ................ his client was not guilty of committing the crime.
5. .... ............ .. .. two business people come to get together, they often discuss work or business.
6. Matilda speaks English .......... ... .... ...... she were an American citizen.
7. I didn't invite him to the wedding party... ..... ................. I didn't like him.
8. .. ... ....... ........ .... I am not interested in Jazz music, I didn't go to the concert.
9. My brother didn't complain ............... .. .... he was in great pain.
10.................... .... ... ... I had seen the film before, I didn't want to see it again.

C. SO THAT       ALTHOUGH        NOW THAT       THE WAY        UNLESS
IN CASE          AS THOUGH     WHEN      UNTIL       WHERE
1. He took an electric torch ........................ ..... .. there was no light in the attic.
2. .. .................... .... .... she had a headache, she carried on with her work.
3. He hid the file on purpose.. ............... .. .. no one would find it.
4. Lolita behaves .................... ... she were the director of this factory.
5. Could you look after the children ............ . ... ..... I get home?
6. ...... ... .. ................. you have a ticket, you cannot get into the theatre.
7. I don't care what people think about ... .... .... ........ I dress.
8. I always stay at the Waldorf Hotel.......... ...... ............ I come here.
9. .. . ..... .... ...... ...... .you have your driving licence, you can borrow your fathers car.
10. They landed .. ................... ............ the surface was smooth.

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